General terms
1. The object of the rent is a cottage (further only object) Pazderna, Nezdice na Šumavě 57, 342 01 Sušice, which will be used for accommodation of guests and because of their recreation.
2. The roomer (further only owner) guaranties for future guests the equipment of object and services, stated in point No. 9.
3. Order party (further only client) of a recreation stay must be a person older than 18 years, who is responsible for the obligations of the other participants of the stay.
4. Contractual relation arises on the base of carefully filled and signed contract. The contract takes effect at the moment of signature of both sides and payment of agreed deposit for the client’s stay. Signing the contract, client affirms the agreement with the conditions.
5. Object is determined for accommodation of maximum 9 people.
6. Clients are accommodated in the object normally in week cycles. Weekend and shorter stays are possible only except for main season and Christmas and New Years Eve feasts after an agreement with the owner. Week stays begin with entering the object on Saturday from 15.00 to 19.00, finish of the stay next Saturday with a handover to the owner till 10 o’clock.
7. Client is obliged to do a final cleaning before leave. If he or she does not, from the deposit there will be subtracted an amount of 500,- Kč. For the same price it is possible to order the cleaning at the owner.
8. When boarding, the owner hands over to the client a cleaned recreation object, according to an inventory (one copy left in the object) hands over the equipment of individual rooms. After check the owner hands over the keys from the object with an electronic security card with a certification about paying of a refundable deposit, which costs 3 000,- Kč for a stay and which client pays immediately at the boarding. Owner also takes from clients the stay tax according to a local notice for the Council – person a day 10,- Kč for an adult person and 4,- Kč for a child. When handing the object over, the status of electrometer is written in the protocol with the presence of client, the same at the end of a stay. All clients fill in the accommodation card at the beginning.
When finishing the stay, owner and client check the condition of the object and equipment according to inventory. If there are no damages, he takes the keys and refunds the full deposit to the client. If owner finds out any damages caused by a client after the check, he is competent to subtract from deposit the amount, which equals to this damage. In case that this damage or damages are in total higher than 3 000,- Kč, owner of the object is authorized to claim further payment.
When handing the object over at the beginning and at the end a hand over protocol will be written down.
9. Price
The roomer is a VAT payer.
The price of a rent for a day stay is specified in accordance to the law č. 526/1990 Sb. this way:
Price includes:
- stay in recreation building for agreed time
- clean beding and towels
- electric consumption up to 100 kWh in case of rent the cottage from Monday to Thursday
- electric consumption up to 200 kWh in case of rent the cottage from Saturday to Saturday
- water consumption
- consumption of firewood – granted quantity
- insurance of a building against natural disasters
Price does not include:
- refundable deposit
- firewood consumption over granted quantity
- car insurance and insurance of damages caused by the motor vehicles in the time of stay
- cleaning of the cottage during the stay
- recreation fee
- fee for beer bar, cycling cart or cycle bar
- electric consumption over limit
10. Method of payment
“the rest will be translated soon”