Contacts and order

Email and phones

Josef Hlaváč - owner of the cottage
e-mail -
mobile - 603 415 013

Marie Růžičková – landlady of the cottage
mobile - 733 657 879 (only czech speaking)


Mail addresses

Address of the cottage
Josef Hlaváč
Nezdice na Šumavě 57, 342 01 Sušice

Authorized and empowered agent of the roomer on the spot:
Marie Růžičková - landlady of the cottage

Address of the roomer
Josef Hlaváč
K Lutové 4B, 326 00 Plzeň
IČ 66243785, DIČ CZ7003012038
(this address must be written in the contract and in all documents)


Conditions of a cottage renting

All price conditions are stated in the pricelist.

In case of interest in renting this cottage write an email, call or write to the address of a roomer.

You can book the stay also here through this form. We recommend before the order to visit overview of a cottage’s occupation.

Then we please for a careful reading of general terms.

Do not forget to provide your email address and contact !!!



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